Waste Yarn Tubular Cast-On

Why use the Waste Yarn Tubular Cast-On?

Tubular cast-ons provide a neat edge for 1 × 1 (k1, p1) ribbing. Although there are numerous ways of achieving this clean edge, the waste yarn tubular cast-on is simple, consists of just five rows and, most importantly, creates an edge in a tension consistent with the ribbing gauge.

Step 1: Cast on the required number of stitches

Step 1

Cast on half of the required number of stitches plus one stitch using the Crochet Provisional Cast-On. Be sure to chain a few extra stitches to keep the end secure.

Step 2: Knit one stitch.

Step 2

Using the working yarn, knit one stitch.

Yarn over.

Step 3

Yarn Over.

Step 4

Repeat steps 2 & 3 until all stitches have been worked, knitting the final stitch. Turn work.

Step 5

Slip one stitch wyif.

Step 6

Knit one stitch.

Step 7

Repeat steps 5 & 6 until all stitches have been worked, slipping the final stitch. Turn work.

Step 8

Knit one stitch.

Step 9

Slip one stitch wyif.

Step 10

Repeat steps 8 & 9 until all stitches have been worked, knitting the final stitch.

Step 11

Repeat last two rows once more.

Transition to (k1, p1) ribbing

If you are working in the round: join by knitting the first and last stitches together; continue in ribbing by *p1, k1; repeat from * until all stitches have been worked, purling the final stitch. Continue the ribbing as established or instructed by the pattern.

If you are working flat: begin ribbing on the next row (a wrong side row) as follows: *p1, k1; repeat from * until all stitches have been worked, purling the final stitch. Continue the ribbing as established or instructed by the pattern.

Removing the Waste yarn

The waste yarn can be removed as soon as the the first row or round of knitting is complete.

Step 1

Ease waste yarn tail through final crochet loop and pull gently to begin to unravel.

Step 2

Continue pulling the waste yarn gently until all the crochet stitches have unravelled.

Step 3

Pull waste yarn out of cast-on edge.